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Anchor rods and elements

Carbon and stainless steel fasteners for use with chemical adhesives in concrete and masonry and other base materials

Carbon and stainless steel fasteners for use with chemical adhesives in concrete and masonry and other base materials
HAS 5.8 anchor rod Pre-cut anchor rod for injectable hybrid/epoxy anchoring in concrete and masonry
HAS A4 anchor rod Pre-cut anchor rod for injectable hybrid/epoxy anchoring in concrete and masonry
HAS-U 5.8 Anchor rod High-performance anchor rod for capsule and injectable hybrid/epoxy anchoring in concrete and masonry (5.8 carbon steel)
HAS-U 5.8 HDG Anchor rod High-performance anchor rod for capsule and injectable hybrid/epoxy anchoring in concrete and masonry (5.8 carbon steel, hot-dip galvanised)
HAS-U A4 anchor rod High-performance anchor rod for capsule and injectable hybrid/epoxy anchoring in concrete and masonry (A4 stainless steel)
HAS-TZ Anchor rod Ultimate-performance anchor rod for adhesive capsules in cracked concrete (carbon steel)
HAS-RTZ Anchor rod Ultimate-performance anchor rod for adhesive capsules in cracked concrete (A4 stainless steel)
HIT-Z-R Anchor rod Ultimate-performance anchor rod for injectable hybrid anchors (A4 stainless steel)
HAS-U 8.8 Anchor rod High-performance anchor rod for capsule and injectable hybrid/epoxy anchoring in concrete and masonry (8.8 carbon steel)
HAS-D Anchor rod High-performance dynamic anchor rod for through and presetting using injectable hybrid anchors (carbon steel)
HAS 8.8 anchor rod Pre-cut anchor rod for injectable hybrid/epoxy anchoring in concrete and masonry
HIT-Z Anchor rod Ultimate-performance anchor rod for injectable hybrid anchors (carbon steel)
HIT-S Fine screen tube Economical cuttable metal mesh sleeves for fastenings in hollow masonry using injectable hybrid anchors
HZA-P Tension anchor Tension anchor for economical reinforcement of flat slabs against punching shear loads
AM 8.8 Threaded rod Economical threaded rod for injectable hybrid/epoxy anchors (8.8 carbon steel according to DIN 976-1)
AM A4-70 Threaded rod Economical threaded rod for injectable hybrid/epoxy anchors (A4 stainless steel), by the metre